Sunday, April 5, 2009

Chop down the tree

So today at open mat there were only a few people. Donny hurt his back so he's not rolling, that left a purple belt, blue belt, a whitebelt Scott, his brother, Ashley, and two kids. Ashley and I started off rolling lightly since this is the only day we don't have a warm up. I was wearing my new Atama Mundial #5 for the first time and she was wearing her Kyra Gracie.

I was really feeling the power of the gi. It seemed hotter than my padilla but it was hotter outside today also. I was pretty much rolling over Ashley. She does have good defense though and is good about not letting me mount. After a few minutes of us rolling Donny asked us to roll/teach a couple kids from his kid-jitsu class.

I started with mike. He's been to our adult classes a few times. Unfortunately he is a kid and has a short attention span. Obviously I was owning him but I was trying to teach him also. Mostly I worked positions of disadvantage and some submission defense. Ashley didn't seem to be having fun at all. She hates rolling with kids. I don't know why.

After entertaining a couple 12 yr olds Scott and I rolled. This guy is like 8 ft tall and 280 lbs. He;s able to pretty much stifle any submission attempt I can muster. I had a few good sweeps and I was controlling from side but I can seem to open him up. I had a triangle but he's so big I cant lock it, I transitioned to the armbar but I couldn't get his arm away from him. He's definitely improving and is an awesome training partner.

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