Luckily for us Patrick filmed most of the matches however; unfortunately, there was some sort of mishap that occurred that erased most of the fights. There is a silver lining to this otherwise bleak situation, I, Possum, now get to describe in detail what went down. Consider it a behind the scenes look. Let us begin.
First to fight was Christian. He was in the super heavy division. Amazingly there were two others in the same weight class. His first fight was against a guy about his height but a bit lighter. He wore a orange and green belt and ridiculous hair cut. Before the fight I told Christian that there is no way in hell he will lose to someone with a hair cut like that.
Artist Rendition
The fight started and they tied up. Christian did a good job of keeping his balance. The other dude tried for a sweep and Christian capitalized. They both went down like the Titanic. Christian landed on top. From there he secured side control. After getting his points I yelled out "Cock the shotgun!" and he immediately popped to knee on belly. The kid escaped out of it and christian went back to side control. Shortly after he tried KOB again and this time it stuck. From that point on Christian proceeded to make an imprint of that boy's spine on the mat. The round only lasted four minutes but for the vast majority of that time Christian was introducing his knee to the mat via this kid's soft tissue. He won his first match with no points or advantages scored against him. Christian's highlight of the day was making this kid cry. Way to go buddy!
His second fight was against what I believe to be a 24 year old BJJ instructor from Brazil. This guy was supposed to be 14-15 years old but had a 5 'o clock shadow. The match started right after he put out his cigarette, and told his kid to get him another beer. They tied up but this kid was obviously not new to the game. He got the take down. Christian gained half guard. The man then went from half guard to full mount. There he stayed the whole match. Christian lost to points but put up a good fight and didn't get submitted. Took second place. Phenomenal for his first competition.
Next to fight was Katie. Katie seemed nervous for this fight and thought she needed a cool nickname like Possum. Using my incredible wit I dubbed Katie, Gumby.
The "officials" called for Katie's coach, so I went to see what they needed. They offered to let her fight all girls but they out weighed her by 30lbs or she could fight in her weight against boys. Never passing up a chance to make a boy cry in front of a hundred people we decided to fight the boys.
Katie tied up and it quickly went to the ground. She ended up in half guard. I'm screaming at the top of my lungs for her to "take the back" and she did. Once she took this kid's back it was over. She was making attempts to choke him but hadn't quite locked it in. Before we knew it this kid tapped. Katie didn't really have a choke but I suppose what matters is he thought she did. Either way Katie did what she had set out to do. Win a match? Nope. Make a boy cry in front of his friends, family, and tons of strangers? Yes!
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see her second match but I believe it was a stalemate and they were stood back up. The boy got a take down and won on points. She ended up with the Bronze. Not bad for a girl.

Those were the matches I got to see that we don't have video on. I was trying to coach as many people as I could but those disorganized bastards, in their infinite wisdom, decided to have multiple Gracie Fernandina fighters go at the same time. I have video for the no gi matches of Patrick and Katie, and the Gi matches for Possum and Ashley. I'll post it as soon as I get it on the computer. Look for our next installment of the Sunshine State BJJ Open.
Sweet deal! Glad you guys did well.