Your hand near his head goes as if your elbow is touching his far ear. Go under his arm all the way to his belt. Your other hand grips his closest knee. I really like this because it's easy to obtain, because people dont expect it, and it's easy to keep. There was a sweet armbar off of it that goes a little something like this;
If their arm goes up to your head your take your hand that is gripping the knee and trap their hand by grabbing your collar. Simple. You then take your free hand put it on their head Swing your foot over their head and walk your foot towards their back. At this point you will probably be rotating your hips around their arm. Grab their knee with your free hand and fall back for the armbar. Awesome. Thanks Rhalen.

Tonight we went over a few chokes from guard. There was one cool one if the other guy is turtling up. So lets pretend the bad guy is turtling up and you are on his left side. Take your left hand and feed it under his left arm to grab his opposite lapel. This is a tight freaking hold. There's no where good for this guy to go once you have this. Donny showed a clock choke from here but it's super difficult to get your hand in. Corey and I, however, discovered that by taking your free hand, in this case your right, and grabbing their hand nearest to your body and clamping down you have a quick and tight choke.
Well that's it for the blog tonight. Stay tuned for more updates.